For the North End Community Ministry / food pantry visit or call (616) 454-1097.

We meet for worship at 214 Spencer Street NE. Directions.
Service begins Sundays at 10:00AM.


Tenebrae (Good Friday) Service

On Friday, March 29th, we will share a meal with our brothers and sisters from Fourth Reformed Church and then worship together with them as we remember our Lord’s death through a Tenebrae service. “Tenebrae” is Latin for darkness or shadows. In this unique worship service the lights are slowly dimmed until we are in…

Chili Cook-Off

On Friday, January 19, New City is hosting its annual(-ish) Chili Cook-Off. This Cook-Off is open to the community and is free to enter and, perhaps more importantly, free to eat a bowl of chili. Or twenty. Whether your chili is spicy, vegan, full of meat or beans, classic or white, or even has pineapple…

Christmas worship night

Join us on December 23, 2023 at 7:00PM for a night of Christmas worship. We’ll be singing carols together, reading Scripture, and will even have a kids’ story. This will be a quieter service but noisy kids are always welcome. Join us as we remember the birth of Jesus and the purpose of hiscoming.

Good Friday / Tenebrae service

On Friday, April 7, we will share a meal with our brothers and sisters from Fourth Reformed Church and Indwelling Church and then worship together with them as we remember our Lord’s death through a Tenebrae service. “Tenebrae” is Latin for darkness or shadows. In this unique worship service the lights are slowly dimmed until…