Please join us for a Potluck lunch after the service on Sunday, March 18th. We are going to celebrate God’s faithfulness in providing a path to citizenship for Diala! Bring your favorite dish (or two) to share!
Some like it hot! Some not? Vegan? Mucho meat? Beanless or Beano? Enter your chili in our New City Chili Cook-off competition. Prizes for: People’s Choice, Best Vegetarian, Too Hot to Handle (Prizes include a Kindle Fire, Amazon gift card, and Apple TV) Please contact Lisa with questions or to volunteer. ( or 616.893.0706.)
We each have a story. What happens when God rewrites the story you had written for yourself? Come hear a testimony authored by God and bring your favorite book to share. It can be a cherished childhood story, inspirational biography, DIY Animal husbandry, 18th century cooking techniques, or your favorite John Piper book, whatever has…
Discipleship happens in relationship Gals, Enjoy hoola hooping? Miniature ship building in bottles? Knitting? Calligraphy? Butter sculpting? Macrame? Painting? Tap Dancing? Bring whatever hobby you enjoy and let’s enjoy them together! We will take a look in Colossians at how we can encourage/disciple each other to live in a changing culture and bear fruit. Refreshments…