For the North End Community Ministry / food pantry visit or call (616) 454-1097.

We meet for worship at 214 Spencer Street NE. Directions.
Service begins Sundays at 10:00AM.

Blog (Page 53)

Tuesday is praise-day

As we spend time in prayer today, let our mouths be filled with praise. As the psalmist wrote many centuries ago, our God is great and greatly to be praised. Greatly to be praised—not adequately to be praised and certainly not barely to be praised—greatly to be praised! “I will extol you, my God and…

Monday prayer guide

I saw this online yesterday: “Those born in the year 2000 turn 36 years old this year.” While the math doesn’t work, it sure feels like it! With the newly-released federal guidelines recommending social distancing be extended until April 30, in a few weeks they will turn 75. Today, let’s pray for those who are…

worship for Sunday, March 29

During this statewide lockdown, we are unable to be the gathered assembly, so let’s be the scattered assembly! As before, watch the song videos and sing along, listen to the Scripture reading, watch the childrens’ story and a message from J-T, give, and then pray, knowing that we’re doing so together, even as we are…

Saturday prayer guide

Tomorrow New City Church will not gather together in assembly to worship Jesus corporately. Instead, at 9:30 we will be the “scattered assembly” as each household remains isolated. We will check this website for songs to sing, for a Scripture reading, for an opportunity to give, and for a word of encouragement from J-T. We…

Friday prayer guide

In the beginning of the prophet Habakkuk’s writing, he complained about the violence and bloodshed and destruction he was seeing everywhere. His complaint was a demand to know why God had not yet done something about it. God’s reply was simple and patient: I am doing things that you cannot even see. By the end…