On Sunday mornings during our worship time together we intentionally include seven things: prayer, singing, offering, Scripture reading, preaching, communion, and greeting one another.
At New City greeting time is a big deal! It’s also far too short. Since it’s a big deal, we want to have a big meal. Think of it as an extended greeting time.
So let’s have a big meal together! On Sunday, September 20, right after the service we will head down to the Dining Room to eat whatever food we bring! Whether hot or cold, store-bought or homemade, bring a dish to pass and join us for a great time together.
The purpose of this meal is not just to eat, though we will eat and we will have plenty. The purpose of this meal is to foster our community. I would encourage you to try to sit by someone you don’t know or don’t know well. Get to know other people in the church. This doesn’t mean you can’t sit by a good friend. Instead, try to include a NEW friend at your table.
Beginning with this meal we will plan to eat together about every six weeks or so. Each meal will be hosted by a City Group that will be responsible for set-up and clean-up. Check the bulletin for the appropriate contact person.