For the North End Community Ministry / food pantry visit or call (616) 454-1097.

We meet for worship at 214 Spencer Street NE. Directions.
Service begins Sundays at 10:00AM.

Shepherd’s Pen (Page 44)

we need prayer—and so do you

This morning I read through the book of Amos (it’s only nine chapters). In chapter 7 I was struck by Amos’ openness and transparency. He was called as a prophet, which means he was sent to speak God’s words on behalf of God, and the message he had for the nations surrounding Israel, as well…

“pray Jude”—not to him, but like him

In the Gospels we read of the Lord’s brothers and how they did not believe in him prior to his resurrection. For example, in Mark 3, Jesus is teaching large crowds. In response to the crowds following him Mark writes, “And when his family heard it, they went out to seize him, for they were…

Let’s praise God today

Charles Spurgeon told the story of a farmer who loved his king. This farmer grew a large and wonderful carrot—the largest and greatest carrot he had ever seen. He decided to give it to the king. The king was so impressed by this act of love and generosity that he responded to the farmer by…

it’s Monday, so let’s pray for our leaders

Today is Day 14 of the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order. Whether it ends in another fourteen days or it lasts longer than expected, it is good to spend time each day in prayer. Since it’s Monday and given Paul’s instruction to us in First Timothy, let’s pray for our leaders. First of all, then,…

Sunday Worship, 2020-04-05

As this “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order is likely to last for several more weeks we are, once again, a scattered assembly. This cannot stop us from worshiping! Whether you sit on your couch or stand in your kitchen, sing along! Watch the childrens’ story. Listen to the message from J-T. Be sure to give,…