For the North End Community Ministry / food pantry visit or call (616) 454-1097.

We meet for worship at 214 Spencer Street NE. Directions.
Service begins Sundays at 10:00AM.

Shepherd’s Pen (Page 38)

worship — June 07, 2020

New City! Lord willing, this is our last #scatteredassembly! Next week we plan to meet together in our building for a real, live gathered assembly. Until then, let’s sing along, watch the childrens’ video, watch the message, give, and then join the Zoom call at 10:30. It is a great privilege to worship our God…

when will we meet again!?

On March 19 I released my very first video. In that video I announced to you what we were planning to do since we were prevented from worshiping together in our building. I also declared emphatically that I don’t know what I’m doing. Not much has changed since that video. Well, I know a lot…

ordinary gifts and extraordinary blessings

In Jehoiakim’s third year as king of Judah (605BC), Nebuchadnezzar led his armies from Babylon and besieged the city of Jerusalem. By the time the siege was lifted he had taken many of the people with him back to Babylon. Many of these exiles were from the royal family and the nobility—the wealthy and cultural…

pay attention to what the Lord says

In a recent conversation with a person I asked him a question. His response was puzzling: he inferred from my question that I was making an unrelated point. I assured him I was asking the question—get this—because I wanted an answer, not because I was making a point. We often assume there is something else…

worship — May 31, 2020

Today is Pentecost, the annual celebration of God sending his Spirit to dwell among his people. While we cannot yet assemble together, this cannot stop us from worshiping our great God and Savior. Follow along with the videos and sing, watch the childrens’ story and the message, be sure to give, then join us at…