For the North End Community Ministry / food pantry visit or call (616) 454-1097.

We meet for worship at 214 Spencer Street NE. Directions.
Service begins Sundays at 10:00AM.

Announcements (Page 18)

read the Bible in 2012

Have you ever read the Bible through completely?  From Genesis through Revelation?  Why not do it in 2012?  It takes far less time than you might think.  If you can read just four chapters a day—about fifteen minutes—you can read through the Old Testament once and the Psalms and New Testament twice this year.  The…

Worship Service

Title: Worship Service Location: Palmer School, 309 Palmer St. NE Description: We’re back home this week! We had two great Sunday worship experiences with Creston Church in their setting on Christmas and New Year’s Day … but now we are back at Palmer. Please join us for a great time of worship and bible study…

thanks to Creston Church

In the early fall we discovered that Palmer School would be closed for Christmas and New Year’s days.  Praise God for Creston Church’s willingness to share their worship services with us on those Sundays! While our churches have some differences in worship styles and demographics and even different understandings of some things such as baptism,…