For the North End Community Ministry / food pantry visit or call (616) 454-1097.

We meet for worship at 214 Spencer Street NE. Directions.
Service begins Sundays at 10:00AM.

Blog (Page 6)

wait…how much?

I recently had a conversation with a friend about giving. He asked very directly, “How much am I supposed to give?” The TL/DR response is this: all of it. You should give all of your income, all of your resources to the Lord. Period. Let me explain. But first, let me explain something else. I…

but what is spiritual maturity?

I have never met a Christian who was both politically partisan and spiritually mature. me I posted this on social media a while ago. I had a conversation with a friend about those who profess Christ and are hostile toward those who disagree with their politics. It was a good conversation. In it I made…

we don’t need fog machines

Last Sunday was Pentecost. As is our practice we focused on the birth of the church and the work of God in Christ through his Spirit. In our sermon we saw that God’s purpose from the beginning, the plot of the story of creation, has been God creating for himself a home. He created the…

disciple-making versus disciple-being

On Sunday we looked at Paul’s strong emphasis on community in the local church. He is quite emphatic, emphasizing we—together—must grow up into Christ. That is, the process of maturation happens in community. It is through the church that God matures his people, with the aim of transforming them into the image of Christ. I…

the Dida-what?

I frequently reference the works of various authors in my sermons. I especially love reading early church fathers who wrote sermons and commentaries on the Scriptures. I recently quoted from the first-century work called “The Didache”, specifically citing the passage “Didache 11:3–6”. In early April I cited the letter to the Corinthians from Clement of…