For the North End Community Ministry / food pantry visit or call (616) 454-1097.

We meet for worship at 214 Spencer Street NE. Directions.
Service begins Sundays at 10:00AM.

Blog (Page 41)

waiting for the promise we already have

When God sent Haggai the prophet to the people of Judah to encourage them to rebuild the temple, the people responded in faith and repentance and began work on the new temple. The people responded properly to the word of the Lord given to Haggai. This doesn’t mean God was finished speaking to the people,…

a greater temple

We saw yesterday that after the exile God sent the prophet Haggai to the people of Judah to warn them against pursuing their own luxury and prosperity while neglecting the worship of the Lord. The temple had been destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar decades earlier and while the people had begun the hard work of building a…

it is time

For centuries God had sent prophets to Israel and to Judah to warn them about their sin. The warning was clear: refusal to return to the Lord—and only the Lord—would result in their being removed from the land. Israel was taken into exile by Assyria and then several decades later Judah was taken into exile…

worship — June 07, 2020

New City! Lord willing, this is our last #scatteredassembly! Next week we plan to meet together in our building for a real, live gathered assembly. Until then, let’s sing along, watch the childrens’ video, watch the message, give, and then join the Zoom call at 10:30. It is a great privilege to worship our God…