For the North End Community Ministry / food pantry visit or call (616) 454-1097.

We meet for worship at 214 Spencer Street NE. Directions.
Service begins Sundays at 10:00AM.

Blog (Page 23)

new service time coming November 7

Beginning November 7 New City Church’s worship service will move to 10:00AM from its current 10:30AM start time. The aim of this change is to better accommodate parents and young children by starting earlier and therefore ending earlier. In addition to starting earlier, we’re aiming to end the service around 11:30AM, also to better accommodate…

the times they are a-changing

No one likes the time change. Well, I should say no one likes the Spring time change when we have to “spring forward”—and lose an hour of sleep. I think everyone likes the Fall time change when we “fall back” and gain an hour. Either way, we all know the struggle that comes from having…

faithfulness isn’t automatic

On Sunday I plan to explore the idea of ḥerem—variously translated as “devoted to destruction” (ESV), “completely destroyed” (NIV), “utterly destroyed” (KJV), and “annihilated” (NET Bible). Robert Young’s “Young’s Literal Translation” from the late 1800s captures the idea perhaps most closely: “devoted”. It has the idea of putting something under a ban. An object or…

obey God rather than men?

I was recently sent an article and asked to comment on it. The conclusion and therefore central thrust of the article was this: we must help our nation “by standing against overreaching government bureaucrats”. As support for this the author cited Paul’s insistence on his rights as a citizen of Rome in Acts 22. Is…

life happens suddenly—from our perspective

Life happens suddenly, even when we expect it to happen. Whether it’s the death of a loved one after a long battle with cancer, or the death of a loved one after an unexpected heart attack, or the premature birth of your child, or it’s your own on-going struggles with employment, or a sudden operation…