For the North End Community Ministry / food pantry visit or call (616) 454-1097.

We meet for worship at 214 Spencer Street NE. Directions.
Service begins Sundays at 10:00AM.

Posts by J-T (Page 42)

wells of salvation

In Isaiah chapter 6, Isaiah is called to be a prophet. He is given an incredible vision of the Lord sitting on his throne. He recognizes he is in the presence of absolute holiness and is afraid. God sends one of the seraphim to grab a burning coal from the altar and then place that…


One of the most amazing stories in Scripture is the story of king Manasseh. He was the son of Hezekiah, the king of Judah who was a righteous king. He led the nation in many reforms designed to root out the idolatry that had taken hold everywhere. Hezekiah died when Manasseh was only 12, which…

when God sings

The prophet Zephaniah lived in a time of great idolatry. The lands surrounding the nation of Israel were worshiping false gods. The people of Israel were worshiping false gods. Through the prophet Zephaniah God pronounced judgment against all of them. To the city of Jerusalem he declared, “Woe to her who is rebellious and defiled,…

hear and see what the Lord is doing

Given the current state of affairs, interest in reading about the “end times” is becoming popular. There is, once again, a renewed interest in the book of Revelation. One thing is clear from Scripture: we are living in the end times, just like the apostles were. The writer of the book of Hebrews says that…

apostolic anxiety?

The apostle Paul’s letter to the Christians in Philippi is an amazing letter of love and concern for the well-being of the believers in that city. Paul is in prison as he writes the letter, yet his greater concern is for the church. He expresses his love and affection for them (1:8). He says he…