Today is Easter Sunday, and we’re not gathered together. This does not mean that we do not live in light of the reality of the resurrection of Jesus! He’s alive, y’all!
Turn up your TV or your stereo or your headphones or your laptop, watch the music videos and sing along. Listen to the Scripture reading and childrens’ story. Watch the message from J-T. Give. Then sing some more. Then keep on singing, come what may, because Jesus is ALIVE!
Our God is alive! He has conquered sin and death and now reigns in victory. We worship a great God and Savior who gave his life for us, that we might receive his.
As we continue to worship him, please give. You can scroll to the top of this page to click the “GIVE” button. We continue to praise God for his ongoing generosity in this difficult time.
Last week’s offering was $2,336, bringing our Fiscal Year-to-Date total to $85,896. God is good!
This final song may be new to many of you, but it speaks of this in-between time we live in—the time between the victory of Jesus on Easter morning and the time we will experience the fullness of his resurrection power. The resurrection of Jesus means it won’t be long!