Dear friends,
As you know, the Elders have been looking at the possibility of pursuing the building on the corner of Plainfield & Spencer (the old Methodist Church met there; it’s just south of Palmer School). On Sunday I asked you to pray and fast concerning this possibility. If we were to get this building, it would be an incredible miracle of God yet we’re not simply praying and fasting for God to provide the necessary resources: we are praying and fasting to seek God’s direction regarding the building. New City Church is his church and we want to know his will. For this we pray and fast. If you are able, please consider fasting from a regular activity (lunch, playing your favorite game, checking your Twitter account, etc.) so you can spend that time seeking God in prayer, asking him to make his will known to us.
I want to reiterate something I said on Sunday. Having this building or remaining at Palmer will not change how we do the work God has called us to do. God’s work in the Creston neighborhood is not dependent on a building. We need a space for worship and Eric and I need office space, but the vast majority of the ministry we engage in happens in homes, restaurants, at basketball games, etc. As we say frequently, “discipleship happens in relationship.” A building can facilitate these relationships, but making disciples is not limited to a building. We can and will continue doing the work God has called us to do whether we remain at Palmer or move into this new location.
So why are we considering it? There are several reasons. We do not know how long Palmer School will be available to us. We’ve not been told we have to be out by a certain date, but since we want to remain in the immediate area (the Creston Plainfield corridor) and since this building is available now, it seems prudent to pursue the possibility while it is a possibility. Further, while our ministry is not entirely dependent on a building, a building can enhance certain aspects of it. We would have permanent worship space without the need to set up and tear down each Sunday. We would have space for more frequent meals together, which fosters community within the church. We could offer more classes for the community (such as the recently completed Dave Ramsey course, cooking classes for young mothers, etc.), Bible studies, etc. Having space to use at our discretion opens up many possibilities for outreach and serving our community more effectively.
This Thursday from 6:30-8:00PM we have the opportunity to meet together for prayer at the building. We will have a brief tour and then spend time together in the auditorium asking God if he wants us to have this building. Whether you are able to come that night or not, please join us in prayer this week.
There is a public parking lot across the street (on Spencer). Here is a link to a map.
We hope to see you there!
Pastor J-T