Have you ever read the Bible through completely? From Genesis through Revelation? Why not do it in 2012? It takes far less time than you might think. If you can read just four chapters a day—about fifteen minutes—you can read through the Old Testament once and the Psalms and New Testament twice this year. The folk who publish the English Standard Version of the Bible have made this very simple. Just go to this page each day and the appropriate chapters are there for you to read. Miss a day? Don’t get caught up in trying to get caught up; just read today’s reading. You can also get to it by clicking on “Daily Bible Reading” under “Resources” on the New City website.
Personal Bible reading is both a great way to get the big picture of the Bible and a way to hear from God. The Bible is His Word and He still speaks through it to us.
If reading through the entire Bible sounds too overwhelming, then pick a book of the Bible to read closely this year. The Gospel of Mark is a good idea since our sermon series will keep us in Mark for most of this year. Read Mark through multiple times this year. Get to know it deeply.
Either way, let’s spend more time in God’s Word in 2012!