For the North End Community Ministry / food pantry visit or call (616) 454-1097.

We meet for worship at 214 Spencer Street NE. Directions.
Service begins Sundays at 10:00AM.

Shepherd’s Pen (Page 9)

to be Christian

In last Sunday’s sermon, we saw that New City is capital C Christian, not lower-case c christian. By this we mean our faith is not merely cultural. We’re not Christians by default because we’re neither Jews nor Muslims nor atheists, etc. For decades in this nation a form of cultural Christianity has prevailed, and it’s…

he is willing

Our world of medicine is remarkable. Many of the treatments that are available today were unimaginable a generation ago. From MRI machines to medicines to surgical techniques, modern medicine would have been nearly indistinguishable from magic just 200 years ago. This means for most of human history injury and disease were largely untreatable. Bones could…

we’re not in Shiloh

In early 2019 my wife and I were able to spend a couple weeks in the land of Israel. We received some incredible teaching and saw some truly remarkable sights—and sites. We stood on the shore of the Sea of Galilee near the location where Jesus told Peter three times, “Feed my sheep”. We walked…

a peek behind the scenes

We all experience great joy in life from time to time. We buy a house. We have a child or grandchild. We enjoy good music. We eat the most perfectly cooked steak. We have a great night with friends. Life can be…well, good. And yet. How many times have we looked around our tiny spheres…

on infant baptism

This is not an ordinary article. If you are curious about infant baptism and its history and development, this is for you. If you are not, feel free to return to whatever it was you were doing. This is not an ordinary sort of article I usually post. It’s going to be long. If you’re…