For the North End Community Ministry / food pantry visit or call (616) 454-1097.

We meet for worship at 214 Spencer Street NE. Directions.
Service begins Sundays at 10:00AM.

Shepherd’s Pen (Page 33)

time to grow up

It’s been said that one should never post on social media while angry (though this does not stop all that many from doing so). Imagine with me that instead of a Twitter post or a Facebook rant, you wrote a letter to a group of churches and you were spittin’ mad when you did so.…

in a world of constant change, one thing does not

With the second national political convention in progress, everyone knows it’s election season in the United States (though I often wonder if “election season” ever truly ends). It is likely that either the Democratic nominee or the Republican nominee will win, though the Libertarian nominee could win, too (hey, it’s 2020). Once again we’re being…

a wonderful announcement

Over a year ago I had the realization that many of my prayers for New City Church were rather small. I was challenged to pray bigger prayers. Too often I limit God by my own limited imagination. I shared this challenge with the Council of Elders and we came up with a list of several…

when God says “no”

Though Paul had planted the church in Corinth, having preached the gospel in that city and seeing God bring many men and women to faith in Jesus, his bona fides as an apostle seemed to be always questioned by the Corinthian believers. In each of his letters to this church he defended his role—and authority—as…

faith, love, and…endurance?

If you wrote a loved one a letter—let me stop there for a moment. A letter is a bit like a text or a post on social media, but with literal paper and ink, and generally only read by the person to whom it is written, and you send it through the mail, which takes…