For the North End Community Ministry / food pantry visit or call (616) 454-1097.

We meet for worship at 214 Spencer Street NE. Directions.
Service begins Sundays at 10:00AM.

Shepherd’s Pen (Page 3)

the former things—and the future things

It’s easy to look back with hindsight and wonder at the inability of people to see what is plainly obvious to us. For example, in the first century God walked this earth. He had taken on human form and lived as a man, and was eating, sleeping, working, and doing all the things that normal,…

but you ARE gifted

On Sunday Jim challenged us to walk. We’ve been working our way through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. For the first three chapters he issues no commands. He proclaims truth after truth of who God is and what he has done in Christ. We’ve been seeing how Paul intends for us to sit, or to…

we really should thank God for Friday

When we think of Good Friday we tend to focus—rightly—on the death of Jesus. Even further we tend to focus on the physical aspects of crucifixion. The Romans had perfected this method of execution and it was a truly horrific way to kill a person. Crucifixion inflicted maximum pain with minimal effort. Once a person…

the end of hostility and the beginning of true growth

Last Sunday I preached an excursus—a more focused treatment—on the issue of ethnic hostility from Ephesians 2:11. A significant part of Paul’s letter is devoted to the issue of ethnic division and reconciliation in the church. This is significant for in the first three chapters Paul is spelling out the good news of Jesus. Salvation…