For the North End Community Ministry / food pantry visit or call (616) 454-1097.

We meet for worship at 214 Spencer Street NE. Directions.
Service begins Sundays at 10:00AM.

Shepherd’s Pen (Page 29)

I can’t believe you said that!

Unity without diversity isn’t really unity—it’s sameness. Diversity, whether ethnic or socio-economic or simply diversity of thought will, inevitably, bring conflict. It is impossible for a group of people who spend significant time together to go very long without some form of conflict arising. Apart from the truly rare malevolent intent, such conflict is nearly…

worship—November 29, 2020

We’re in week two of our #scatteredassembly. Let’s continue to pray for an end to this virus! Though we cannot meet together for another week or two (Lord willing), let us worship our God nevertheless! Though we are unable to gather together we are able to worship our great God together by singing in our…

let’s have one mind

As we read through Scripture—especially the epistles—we can begin to detect certain patterns by authors. John, for example, loves symbolism. We see this throughout Revelation, but also in the Gospel of John. At the end of chapter 2, for example, John writes that Jesus didn’t entrust himself to those who “followed” him on account of…

worship—November 22, 2020

Well, here we are! Beginning today through December 6 we will be online-only. God is still God, and God is still good, and he is always worthy of worship whether we can assemble in a building together or we join in a scattered assembly. Follow along and sing, watch the videos, give, and then join…