For the North End Community Ministry / food pantry visit or call (616) 454-1097.

We meet for worship at 214 Spencer Street NE. Directions.
Service begins Sundays at 10:00AM.

Blog (Page 8)

we really should thank God for Friday

When we think of Good Friday we tend to focus—rightly—on the death of Jesus. Even further we tend to focus on the physical aspects of crucifixion. The Romans had perfected this method of execution and it was a truly horrific way to kill a person. Crucifixion inflicted maximum pain with minimal effort. Once a person…

Tenebrae (Good Friday) Service

On Friday, March 29th, we will share a meal with our brothers and sisters from Fourth Reformed Church and then worship together with them as we remember our Lord’s death through a Tenebrae service. “Tenebrae” is Latin for darkness or shadows. In this unique worship service the lights are slowly dimmed until we are in…

the end of hostility and the beginning of true growth

Last Sunday I preached an excursus—a more focused treatment—on the issue of ethnic hostility from Ephesians 2:11. A significant part of Paul’s letter is devoted to the issue of ethnic division and reconciliation in the church. This is significant for in the first three chapters Paul is spelling out the good news of Jesus. Salvation…

a better obedience

The issue of slavery and the Bible often comes up, particularly with the question why the Bible does not forbid slavery outright. It is clear there are limits and parameters placed on slavery as the law of Moses had plenty to say about slavery, which was primarily a poverty-alleviating solution that was intended to be…