For the North End Community Ministry / food pantry visit or call (616) 454-1097.

We meet for worship at 214 Spencer Street NE. Directions.
Service begins Sundays at 10:00AM.

Blog (Page 71)

January 6 worship bulletin

Forgot your bulletin?  Wondering when the next Bible study is?  Forget the information for the Young Adults event?  We’ve got your covered.  The January 6 bulletin is available here.

Read through the Bible in 2013

Attempting to read through the entire Bible in a single year can be daunting.  Reading through Scripture is a great way to see the flow of human history from God’s perspective. We’ve put together a reading plan that takes one through the Bible, while not requiring one to read every book of the Bible (though…

Christmas at Creston

  We are joining Creston Church for worship on Christmas Sunday.  The service begins at 10:00AM, not 10:30AM!  We are excited to worship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.  We hope to see you there. Creston Church is located at 238 Spencer St NE, near Palmer School.  Here is a map.

First Annual Chili Cookoff

Title: First Annual Chili Cookoff Location: Palmer School Gym, 309 Palmer St NE Description: On Sunday, December 2, bring a pot of chili and enter a contest to win a prize (multiple prizes will be awarded) or you can just bring yourself and a friend or two and enjoy a bowl of chili. Those who…

politics and unity

As followers of Christ and as citizens of the United States we are very thankful for the great privileges afforded to us to vote for the candidates and/or political parties we believe best align us with causes that Scripture encourages (affirming life, justice, equal wages, wise stewardship of natural resources, etc.). We believe that Christ’s…