Well, here we are! Beginning today through December 6 we will be online-only. God is still God, and God is still good, and he is always worthy of worship whether we can assemble in a building together or we join in a scattered assembly. Follow along and sing, watch the videos, give, and then join us on zoom for a church-wide call at 10:30.
Here is a new song for us. Let the words from Psalm 42 penetrate into your heart and mind. Life is not happy-clappy; sometimes it is quite painful, yet God is good and he lets us experience great joy in him.
Don’t forget to scroll up to the top and click the green “GIVE” button. We give as an act of worship for by doing so we demonstrate that God is greater than money. Also, by giving we support the work of the church in our community. Don’t forget to join us on zoom at 10:30 (details were emailed to the church mailing list).