For the North End Community Ministry / food pantry visit or call (616) 454-1097.

We meet for worship at 214 Spencer Street NE. Directions.
Service begins Sundays at 10:00AM.

Monday prayer

In light of Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order this morning calling for each one of us to “Stay Home, Stay Safe,” let us commit today to pray for wisdom and skill for her and for Mayor Rosalyn Bliss, for Senators Stabenow and Peters, for Representative Amash, and for President Trump. Just as J-T has never led a church through a pandemic before, none of these elected officials has led a city, state, or nation through one, either. Pray for them to rise above petty partisanship and to lead in ways consistent with a desire for the public good. Pray for the unity of our leaders, rather than the disunity that so often characterizes American politics.

Pray for healthcare professionals who are at increased risk and are facing a difficult challenge ahead and for first responders who are required to enter unknown places and therefore face unknown risks. Pray for their safety and their physical endurance as many may soon begin working longer hours. Pray that they look to the God who made heaven and earth as the source of their courage and comfort.

Pray for our economy and all those who have lost their jobs or are experiencing a dramatic drop in income. Pray for those who were already struggling financially and face an uncertain future. Pray for their faith in Jesus to be strengthened.